Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello 2010!!!

Well I must say that 2009 was quite the year for me! There were a lot of firsts for me, probably more firsts than any other years prior. When I sit and think about it, I get a little overwhelmed!

First of all, I finally finished college, so YAY! That was exciting and stressful enough on its own.

Next came the big move. Well from Herriman to Midvale. YESS! So I have new roommates, and no more school. Could life get any better from here? Oh just wait.

The next thing that happened was I found my way to my first-EVER singles ward. HOLD THE PHONE! Goodbye family ward, hello new people! Talk about craziness.

This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but considering that I had NO life while I was in school, couldn't move out because I would NEVER do my homework, and most certainly didn't care to find a singles ward until I was done with that madness...made it an eventful year for me.

I hope 2010 is just as exciting, but not as stressful!!!